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Reasoned Written Statement by the Opponent of Roni Laakso’s Dissertation titled: Corporate Governance in Systemic Banks: Reducing Risk Appetite and Systemic Risk through the Regulation of Board Governance

Rudanko, Matti

Liikejuridiikka 1/2024 s. 104–117
Muu kirjoitus


This text is a reasoned written statement by the opponent Matti Rudanko of Roni Laakso's dissertation titled Corporate Governance in Systemic Banks: Reducing Risk Appetite and Systemic Risk through the Regulation of Board Governance.

The statement starts by assessing the scientific significance of the study. After that, it assesses the doctoral thesis especially according to the scholarly criteria confirmed by the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki. Lastly, this statement will take into consideration also scholarly criteria relating to the structure, delimitations and finishing and stylistic characteristics of the report. The opponent will also outline his assessment according to the mentioned criteria. (Edilex-toimitus)

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