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The Common Values of the EU in the Age of Digital Platforms – How the Commodification of Personal Data Threatens the Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights and Liberal Democracy in the Union

Hiilloskivi-Knox, Miina

23.4.2024, Maisteritutkielma


The Cambridge Analytica scandal placed the spotlight on how social media users’ personal data can be exploited for political gain and consequently, putting liberal democracy at risk. The scandal motivated this thesis to evaluate how the common values of the Union enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) are impacted by digital platforms.

This thesis focuses on the rule of law, fundamental rights, and liberal democracy as the three principles of the Union’s common values. The thesis considers the closeknit, interdependent relationships between the three principles, and evaluates the threats posed by digital platforms on the framework of values established by Article 2 TEU.

Through analysing caselaw on data protection and existing research on Article 2 TEU, it is concluded that the business models of the biggest digital platforms put the three principles at risk. Therefore, it is recommended that legislators, Court of Justice of the European Union as well as local data protection authorities take a firm stand against digital platforms to uphold data protection and the common values of the Union.


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